Catherine Kiiru's Portfolio

Hi, I'm Catherine Kiiru
a Software Developer

I am a software developer that builds full-stack and frontend applications. I am skilled in translating business requirements into user-friendly software products.

JavaScript | TypesScript | React | NodeJS | MongoDB | Figma

My portfolio


I created a website for a video streaming startup. The goal was to create smooth animations, & ensure pixel-perfect implementation of figma designs.

    Built with:
  1. React
  2. TypeScript
  3. Tailwind CSS
  4. AOS Animations
  5. Material Tailwind
  6. Flowbite components
clearlink agency

Links Hub

A platform for businesses to manage link sharing through shortening links and converting links into QR codes

    Built with:
  1. JavaScript
  2. CSS
linkshub screenshot

Marketing Agency Website

Website for a marketing agency looking to establish their precence in the market

    Built with:
  1. React
  2. Tailwind CSS
sunnyside landing page

Advice generator app

A fun project that demonstrates my skills in working with React and APIs

  1. React
  2. REST APIs
sunnyside landing page

My Articles

Consuming APIs in React (With Code Examples)

Consuming and rendering data from APIs is akin to knowing how to write "hello world". It's a right of passage for every developer if you plan on building scalable software solutions.

MacBook Pro

5 Strategies to Improve Your Coding Skills and Advance From Beginner to Intermediate

Learning software development is difficult and retaining the information is harder. So how can you improve your retention rate?

Using Open Source to Boost Your Resume and Get Opportunities ✨

Open source is software that the original creator releases under a license where anyone can modify, redistribute, inspect and enhance the source code.

A comprehensive Guide to Asynchronous JavaScript [With Code Examples]

Open source is software that the original creator releases under a license where anyone can modify, redistribute, inspect and enhance the source code.

Let's chat!

Available for projects & collaborations

As a software developer, I help you design and build software solutions that align with your business goals. Let's chat and collaborate!